In-Depth Interviews for Qualitative Research

In-Depth Interviews for Qualitative Research In-depth interviews are usually conducted face to face, as body language and facial expressions can help you understand the subject’s answers. However, skilled researchers can conduct in-depth interviews by phone, which can save time and money. The style of the interview also depends on the person conducting it. A successful… Continue reading In-Depth Interviews for Qualitative Research

Qualitative Methods for Social Research

Qualitative Methods for Social Research Qualitative researchers identify ideas that occur repeatedly throughout data. These ideas are organized into broader themes and used to write a theoretical narrative of the data. This narrative is usually supported by direct quotes from participants. The purpose of qualitative research is to learn about the experience of a group… Continue reading Qualitative Methods for Social Research

The Sociology of Deviance and Stigma

The Sociology of Deviance and Stigma The sociology of deviation describes patterns of violation of norms. For instance, religious norms give rise to heretics, while legal norms produce criminals and the sick. Cultural norms explain the eccentricity of certain individuals. Norms emerge in almost every social situation, including friendship and class. However, some types of… Continue reading The Sociology of Deviance and Stigma

The Sociology of Religion

The Sociology of Religion The Sociology of Religion studies the role of religion in modern society. Sociologists argue about the scientific study of religion and the methodological approaches to study religion. They develop the critical thinking skills and analytical skills necessary to analyze religion studies, as well as how to communicate their analysis. Sociologists study… Continue reading The Sociology of Religion

Resource Mobilization Theory

Resource Mobilization Theory The theory of resource mobilization emerged to address the dilemma of movement participation. It distinguishes three approaches to overcoming this dilemma. The classic theory was formulated by Anthony Oberschall in 1973. The theory is often criticized for assuming that resources and symbols are always available and therefore requiring little or no mobilization.… Continue reading Resource Mobilization Theory

The Sociology of the Family

The Sociology of the Family The sociology of the family addresses the common fears that families are on the verge of collapse. It challenges sensational media narratives by correcting the record. Teen pregnancy rates are not a cause for concern, and US households with children are not declining precipitously. Instead, they are changing due to… Continue reading The Sociology of the Family

The Sociology of Rape

The Sociology of Rape This article will discuss the Evolution of rape culture, from its academic discovery through its consequences for various aspects of society. Against Our Will Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape by Susan Brownmiller argues that rape is a conscious process of intimidation. All men keep women in a state of… Continue reading The Sociology of Rape

What Is Sociology of Gender?

What Is Sociology of Gender? Sociology of gender is a discipline that studies the social construction of gender. Gender studies examines how society constructs gender and its intersections with other axes of inequality. It examines the social construction of gender across institutions. These days, there are classes offered in this field on every college campus.… Continue reading What Is Sociology of Gender?